
Blooming Affair

The Bride's Bouquet

o you know why you carry a bouquet? In ancient Greece, Greek brides carried bridal bouquets of herbs to protect them from evil spirits, in another ancient custom, the brides carried chaffs of wheat to invoke fertility - a custom that eventually evolved in the bridal bouquet as we know it.

There are many different styles of bridal bouquets but most brides carry a mixture of versions of the Round, Nosegay and Spray/Hand-Tied bouquets.

ROUND : A dense bunch of blooms made up of flowers, greenery and filler with no trailing elements. Can also be made of just flowers and filler with no greenery or of a single type of flower, like a cluster of roses for a more contemporary look. Can be anchored in a bouquet holder, wired or hand-tied.

NOSEGAY : A small round clusters of flowers, cut to uniform length. Usually consists of one dominant type of flower or colour, wrapped with ribbon or lace.

SPRAY/HAND-TIED : Consists of a cluster of loosely hand-tied flowers of irregular length and height tied at the stems - usually with the exposed stems showing beneath the point where they are held.

CASCADE : This is a very classic style bouquet which is shaped to droop gracefully in a waterfall effect. Best compliments a more traditional setting.

PAGEANT/PRESENTATION : A bouquet of long-stemmed flowers. The flowers are left at its natural state, tied with a ribbon and cradled in your arms.

Here's my own compilation of some beautiful, stunning bridal bouquet. If you like any of the flowers or styles - click on the pic for a bigger pic, print it and consult with your florist.

Let's begin with the first bouquet - mine :), which was for my ROM. It was from a floral shop at Millenia Walk - sorry, I am unable to recall the name of the floral shop. Enjoy the flowers...

Saw some of the flowers that was being used in some of the above pics in this nursery called JM at Thomson Road - got some exotic blooms - of cos, not forgetting the popular Far East Flora too.